
Days go by and drift on past,

Time tends to move so fast.

Making memories, will they last?

Sailing seas at full mast.

To see clearly, look around,

There’s much perspective to be found.

Problems pile pound for pound,

Culminating quite a mound. 

How can I set the burdens down

Releasing ties that keep me bound?

Surrender surely, softly let go,

Less control, resistance, finding flow. 

How low can this really go? 

It’s kind of hard to truly know. 

My heart and mind help me grow,

Shining love for it to glow.

The seeds I so mindfully sow,

Slowly sprout the path to follow.

My demons stare me in the face, 

I run away, like life’s a race, 

Leave behind without a trace.

Why can’t I grant myself some grace? 

Negativity has no place,

It’s like a broken crystal vase. 

The inner child calls me near,

Within her eyes are many tears. 

She says within I should peer

To confront my demons and my fears. 

She brings the hope I need to hear,

I hold her innocence so dear. 

She says let go, feel freedom ring,

Dance, jump for joy and sing. 

No worry or fear, just fly your wings,

Let peace and hope into your being. 

Unfurl the body and unwind time,

Let go of the inner built up grime. 

The problems that are merely mine, 

Ring inside and out like a chime.

Perhaps someday it will all be fine,

Then I can stop this rambling rhyme. 

Until then I will try to cope

With fear that hangs upon the rope.

Some days I can only hope,

One day I will feel more ‘woke.’

I search to find the real me,

The girl that was lost out at sea. 

Grief was a thief that stole my glee,

Grief is my teacher that lets me see

The good and bad of yours truly. 

Who will I slowly become? 

Alas, my life will not be a pun.

Live full and love all, not just some.

Through LOVE we all become ONE.

With Lov, 


Lov Yoga