Growing Through...

Photo Cred: Jack Affleck for Lululemon

Photo Cred: Jack Affleck for Lululemon

Growing Through What I Go Through…

How about you? 

I always will be growing,

Like grass that needs mowing,

never ever knowing,

What seeds I am sowing. 

Close windows, open doors,

Intention, vision, goals galore,

Still striving for more and more,

So life is not a bore or chore.

Truly, what is this all for? 

There has always been growth 

There will always be more. 

Embrace the process,

Magic in the mess,

I must confess,

I need a rest!!!

I will always be learning,

Like fire that’s burning,

Stoking the yearning,

Each page I am turning.

Loss, grief, guilt and shame,

Just a few to blame and name. 

Life can feel like a game,

But I’m glad that I came :)

I will never be the same.

But then again…

Do I want to be? 

Change is ever part of me.

Gradually growing like a tree

Letting go like the leaves. 

I seem to remain reeling,

As I feel all my feelings,

Seeking hope, love and healing,

Slowly, surely, nearing clearing.

Silver linings always guiding, 

Somehow still surviving, 

Yet still not quite thriving,

I feel like I am arriving. 

One day it will all unfold, 

Warming me from the cold

With bold truth to be told

To flow free from the mold.

I will always be growing, 

Like a river that’s flowing, 

Toward light that is glowing,

Leading toward knowing. 

Something will grow from all that you go through,

And it will be you :)

Photo Cred: Shenna Jean for Lov Yoga

Photo Cred: Shenna Jean for Lov Yoga

Lov Yoga